
I’m a big advocate on Postpartum Health, because often times the mother gets overlooked. I have personally struggled with postpartum anxiety and depression, and found fitness and health to be the best tool to overcome it. As a society, within the last couple years we have done better taking care of mothers. In reality though, a lot of women are still struggling with postpartum mental illnesses. Postpartum mental illnesses such as PPD/PPA/PP Psychosis all have different factors, but mental illness is not bias. Everyone can experience these things, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Make sure to contact your medical provider to be assessed for postpartum mental disorders.

Aside from maternal mental health, Postpartum can also be very physically messy! I’m here to share all my advice, my experiences with birthing and breastfeeding four children. I’m grateful to have been able to birth all four of my children without an epidural, the last two of my four pregnancies were medically induced but I AM PROUD of myself of being able to push through and labor without an epidural. A term that is often used as “natural birth” but I choose to call it labor without epidural out of respect to every mother because, every birth is natural. You should however be proud of yourself and what your whole body accomplished, not matter how you brought life onto this world.

I would love to help you postpartum healing journey, please do not feel embarrassed to ask me any questions!